Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Fish Farming in Uganda

 Fish  farming in Uganda is not yet taken up as a business venture of which people can use to get out of poverty. Uganda is endowed with rich water bodies and swamps that can make fish farming a success story in Uganda. Fish is consumed highly in Uganda and can be Exported  to mant outside countries where it will fetch foreign currencies for the country. 

Right Choice fish ponds

Right Choice Fish Ponds in Kiruhura

Fred at Right Choice fish ponds


Fish exports of recent had become  the second largest foreign income earner in Uganda after coffee.  But then after realized that fish had that potential  then over fishing was done on fishing bodies and fish got depleted. Uganda govermnet is doing all it takes to make sure that lakes get rest and fish grow and enough fish can caught to be sold and exported. 

Fish directly furnishes the economic welfare of over 2 million Ugandans through employment and as a livelihood besides providing food security as a critically required protein for about 34.5 million Ugandans.
With increasing population growth and increasing awareness of the nutritional superiority of fish the world over, the demand for fish will certainly continue to grow. Growing fish (Fish farming) rather than hunting for fish (capture fisheries) provides a more reliable source of fish and is the only envisaged solution to bridge the existing gap between fish production and demand. Nonetheless, Uganda is yet to realize substantial fish production from fish farming due to lack of adequate capacity in all aspects.

We at Right choice fish farming in Kiruhura have prepared ponds and have already started producing fish for local consumers and selling to surrounding markets. We are focusing on raring #tilapia and #cut fish. Our water ponds was checked at Kanjasi fish farming project and and was found to be very good for fish farming. We also ntend to be conducting faring tours  for Uganda safaris to potential people wiling to learn our fish farming project.

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